
Revoltech - Detroit Metal City (DMC)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I am sure most of you guys out there had watched the anime Detroit Metal City. It is a short 12minutes animation that runs for 24 episodes. It has to be one of the most hilarious music animation ever. I am not going to talk about the anime today but instead the figurines by Revoltech. I have to say compared to Figma, Revoltech articulation is no where near Figma. Firstly I hated the Revoltech "step" mechanism on all articulation. The DMC figures couldn't stand very well on its on. So I have to pre-select some poses so that it can stands on its own. Anyway enough complaint. Check out the pictures

The unwrapping


KrauserII - Vocal

Alexander Jagi - Guitarist

Camus - Drumer

One thing about Revoltech is that continuous moving of the articulation joints will cause it to come off its connecting joint, it might seem a small problem but I really hate to see things falling off when I am doing some articulation poses.

Articulation on all figurines was pretty neat, we can do lots of posing with their "steps" articulation, this I agreed for the first time

Camus posing his famous super drummer pose

Overall, I think Revoltech still looses out compare to Figma. LOL. For qualities and colors, it is 100% satisfaction for me. The guitar was painted to such an extend it look like the real thing from afar. Lots of accessories was provided in the packages too.

Recently, Revoltech relaunch their product with a newer packing and contain even more accessories. We shall see about that when I move on to my latest Gurren Laggan collection on my next blog.


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